Whenever we move into a new home Roy and I, being spiritual, bless the home. Basically we hold hands while standing in the middle of the living room and say a special prayer for it. Another thing we also do is “smudge” it which is a Native American ritual to get rid of old negative energy. As Roy has Native American blood and also connects strongly to their beliefs of love and respect for the earth and nature it seems fitting. And if you’re not into all that kinda stuff it does clear the air of odors and gives it a nice earthy smell!
You basically take some sage that’s bound together and light it, blow it out and then while thinking good thoughts walk around the perimeter of each room waving the sage smoke. You need to keep one window or door open to allow the “old energy” to leave. Plus it helps the smoke dissipate. There are “extras” you can use such as seen with my kit shown in the photo. I have very fine clean sand in a large shell which is used to put out the smudge stick when your done. In our last home Amy and Alyssa were living with us so I let Alyssa do the smudging. You can see her with the smudge stick from February 2012. You can find all kinds of kits and books online on the topic. Here are a few from Amazon. If you’re interested in reading more about this Native American ceremony you can do so here: How To Smudge. It’s a fun way to honor your home and be mindful of keeping the energy there positive and happy.