Nancy’s Faeries


“I have an affinity for the “wee folk”.

This one above s in my office window.


This is also in my office on top of a cupboard.


This is a tiny pewter fairy Amy got me. I love it because it looks like Amy if she were a fairy. Ü


This is right by my front door. Could be considered an angel but I prefer to think of her as a fairy.


Jennifer got me this for mothers day a few years back. Huge fairy reading. So I put her on top of my book case.
I collect non-fiction books and have over 1100 in my growing library.


The fairy on the right has a light behind her I can turn on.


Another print on top of a 2nd cupboard in my office. The print says:
“Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale” ~Hans Christian Anderson


Not generally my type of fairies but these are in my craft/sewing room. They seem to fit there.


More fairies in the window of my craft sewing room.


I bought this print for my wall while I was living with Charles in California. Roy had painted my office walls while I was gone as a treat for me so I put this up for a while rather than replace all the photos I had hanging in there.


This is on my fairy shelf of my big bookshelves. I have quite a few fairy books along with the ones this fairy is sitting on which are pop out books for Alyssa. She LOVES fairies too.




Here are some pages from the bottom book you see above. Fairies are hidden throughout the book and I give Lyss a flashlight to help find them. (She now has a cute littel pink flashlight just for this purpose.)